What are the types of financial products

Wealth management products are issued by financial institutions, the funds collected are invested in the financial market to obtain income, the proceeds are allocated to investors according to the agreement of a product, investors who want to manage their money, the purchase of financial products is necessary, but some financial whites are not familiar with financial management, do not know what financial products, then the following I give you an introduction to the types of financial products.

At present, the more mainstream types of financial products on the market are mainly the following.

1, savings: bank savings has always been the safest way to manage money, but the flaw is that the return is lower.

2, gold: gold speculation is also a mainstream financial management method, in recent years received the attention of investors.

3, fund: the size of the fund is now far beyond the size of the deposit, is a number of investments in less security and return more unified.

4, stocks: stocks as a high-risk, high-yield investment mode, has been a hot topic of investment.

5, treasury bonds: treasury bonds are bonds issued by the state, security and yield similar to bank savings, is an upgrade product instead of bank savings.

6, bonds: bonds are also more ideal investment mode, its risk and return are less than stocks, but still has greater potential for development.

7, foreign exchange: speculation in foreign exchange can get a lot of income, a variety of foreign exchange derivative financial products are also very much.

8, insurance: insurance can improve the protection, but also can have investment value.

Different financial products have different risks and benefits, investors should first assess their risk tolerance before buying financial products, generally in a platform to buy financial, the platform's system will let you do a risk assessment questionnaire, investors can be divided into five levels of risk tolerance, respectively, negative, conservative, solid, positive and risk-taking, risk tolerance from left to right is After confirming which level they belong to, investors can then choose financial products that meet their risk tolerance level.

Finally, investors are reminded that financial management is risky and investment requires caution.